Saturday, October 27, 2012

Twin City Mail Room


Hey, Hatman & Indigo,

I sure hope you had a great time in the great state of Hawaii.  I trust that the return trip in the Hat-mo-copter didn't cause too many issues with traffic control.

We are having a blast, despite Blonde and Hatman taking time away, and my having to be at daycare most evenings.

Love always,

Addressed: Mrs. Badgerson

Dearest spouse of mine,

I am writing to inform you of my extended stay at the Bill farm.  It seems that Farmer Bill has been overcome by the Pumpkin Man again, and I have been incapacitated in the back of the Bill farm's barn.
Fortunately there is a postal delivery box just beyond the wall here, that I can reach with my elbow-knifes, so I am able to send you this correspondence.
Please don't forget to water the vines in my training room, as I will defiantly need to sharpen my skills prior to attempting to defeat this orange sentient slime.

Regards, as always,
The Badger

Official Notice:

From the Desk of Mayor Ingot
Addressed: Hatman & Indigo

Mr. Hattington and trusted pet-thing,

Enclosed are your invitations to the city key ceremony.  This year we would like you to present the Key to Twin City to Dr. Vanderstroodlebergermeisterhimmerson for his innovations on weather technology.  As last year's recipients, you have the honor of presetting the Key to him.

Thank you for always keeping our fine city safe,

Mayor Rodney Ingot

Twin City Lotto:

Scratch and win $10,000,000.00
Our city lotto has grown to an astronomical number.  Take your chance and see if you could win 10 million dollars!!!
(chance of winning 1:100,000)

Appointment Reminder:

From: Twin City Hair n Nails
Addressed: Auburn Damsel

For- Auburn Damsel
Date- Friday, November 2nd 2012
Time- 3:45pm

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