Saturday, July 26, 2014

Pack Rat... anyone?

Hi, my name is Chuck and I’m a pack rat. You know the rest; everyone all together…
“Hi, Chuck!”
I am unaware of any twelve step programs for my affliction, but truth be told, I have improved greatly on my own. At one time, I kept anything I could justify having room for just in case I might need it later. Over time I found that really caused me to be weighed down with too much to haul any time I needed to move. So I was reformed. Mostly, anyway.
In addition to the more practical items, I have kept things which I deemed collectible. Many have value to the greater population, but some are really only valuable to me in an emotional nostalgic manner. These are the things I still care for, enjoy, and will dole out in various ways as I age further and decide I can really live without. No need to be in a hurry, though.  I look forward to a day when I can pop into a store and find collectible items from the's Of Mages & Pages game! So… coins, stamps, comic books, trading cards, toys, etc., what things have you collected? If nothing, what about your passions in entertainment never caught your desire to keep a collection around?
Protect your escape!
                                                                                                                        ~ Chuck

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