Saturday, July 5, 2014

Independence Day

Greetings All,
I have had opportunity to reflect a bit on what Independence means to me.  As I have gotten older the simple response of "It means I get to do what I want, when I want." seems weak and hollow.  After reflecting on the actions of Our Founding Moms & Dads (those who have advanced distinctly American ideals in the various fields of human endeavor) I am left to believe that independence (done right) must also follow responsibility, justice, ambition and sacrifice.
I didn't come to preach to You a history lesson today.  I hope to encourage You, though.  In Our own little way; giving up on sleep, T.V., extra curricular activities, etc...puts us in the footsteps of those who have walked the distinctly American path, hunting for their own American Dream.  We stretch Ourselves now so that We, and possibly Our progeny, can have a better life a little later down the road.  Of course no one is suggesting that building a video game is synonymous with the Founding of The United States; all I am saying is that same spirit that ran through Edison, Washington, King, & Anthony runs in us vicariously... and specifically.  And so we strive a little more than those around us to achieve a little more than they ever will just doing "enough to get by."
I applaud your/our efforts 3twins Crew! You deserve to celebrate your (coming) Independence Day!!!!
Be Blessed!

S. LaDon Ware (Steven) 

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